Watching & Listening

Performance Stick Horse Prince


Drum roll! Bugle call! Heroic battles! Drum roll! Bugle call! Heroic battles! Giant castles! Princesses awake! Wedding dresses! True love! Romance! Welcome to the sweet dreams of STEAD HORSE PRINCE. A fairy-tale and humorous performance about having adventures, trying, failing and trying again. About searching for love. And finding it in a place you didn't expect at first.

Text: Raf Walschaerts and Lander Severins
Direction: Raf Walschaerts
Play: Lander Severins / Myrthe Van Velden / Loes Carrette / Frederika Del Nero
Voice: Raf Walschaerts
Music: Thomas Van Caeneghem
Costumes: Jana Roos
Production manager: Maaike Scheltjens
Production: 4Hoog
Photographer: Michiel Devijver ism: Historic Houses Ghent


Sunday 17 September 2023 from 14:00 to 15:30


Crafts House

